KMS Coaches' Corner


We know we need to save paper, energy, and money without affecting student learning.  How are you doing it?  Or, do you have a lesson that you aren't sure how to execute without paper?  Comment here!

Bernard Waugh
2/17/2009 05:07:30 am

I was going to get on and suggest a post about this, and here it is! This past week, I had a set of instructions on making slave journals. I presented them in class on the overhead, and posted the document to my wiki. Normally, I would have run a copy for everyone (about 90) but in this case I only had to run 5.

2/18/2009 12:20:08 am

Documents such as rubrics, instruction sheets, or examples that I would normally use, I save them in a folder on the network drive that students can access. Since I am not printing them, I don't have to print extra when some inevitably lose them. :) I am also grading more work by checking their folders instead of printing all the assignments.

2/26/2009 02:35:30 am

This is something I am struggling with. I am just now starting a unit of study that I have created all assignments (I teach it in a different method than the textbook). I am going to make a classroom copy of assignments and make students use their own paper to do assignments on. At least 28 is better than 100! I will be doing the same thing for tests/quizzes as well. I am happy to save paper - but it really makes grading a lot harder and I hate that I will be asking students not to use strategies on tests/quizzes (like cross out information, etc). But, it's worth it! As for energy - the students and I are trying to remember to turn off lights, computers, etc. when they are not in use.

3/4/2009 08:28:23 pm

I wonder if you could put the quizzes/tests/papers in a sheet protector and let them write on it with a wipe-off marker. We'd have to get enough markers, but I think it is EXTREMELY important that kids get the opportunity to mark on the papers as much as possible.
When it comes to the Reading EOG test, we want students to mark it is a tool to help them comprehend. If they don't get the opportunity to practice that tool, they will not use it on the EOG. How do we find a balance between being budget- and eco-friendly, yet gives students the opportunities they need to create good habits????

anne torrence
3/4/2009 09:14:28 pm

My students said they would rather have sticky notes. They do better if they have practiced it and this is what we have practiced.

3/4/2009 09:46:14 pm


Kelley Warren
3/4/2009 11:03:06 pm

We had a class discussion today during 3rd block about this issue. They want scratch paper so they can visualize, summarize, and evaluate on the paper. They said this will work best for them.

3/4/2009 11:15:22 pm

I think talking with your class was a great idea. I'm interested to know what other students are saying. They definitely need to know the situation and make decisions about how they will adapt. If they want scrap paper for the assessment, let's make sure to show them some ways to make it work. They can line the edge of the scrap paper along the margin. They could create a box for key words instead of underlining them. They could write numbers and put a short summary or visual next to the number instead of next to the paragraph. What else?

Kelly Burgess
3/5/2009 05:13:59 am

I have seen several teachers use blogs to post HW assignments. Students respond to the question(s) on-line. Teachers can read, grade and provide feedback to the responses on the blog from home or school without ANY paper. This isn't appropriate for every assignment, but it saves so much paper when it can be used.

Lynn Mallory
3/5/2009 08:00:13 pm

I just had an idea. We have a ton of blank overhead transparencies hanging around the school not being used anymore. What if we gave them each 2 transparencies and a tissue? Most of the passages aren't more than 2 pages long, so they could mark that passage, answer the questions, and then clean them for the next passage. It would be less cumbersome than page protectors, and it's something we already have. The key would be gathering enough Vis-a-Vis markers, but surely there are 8 classroom sets of markers (one for each LA teacher) hanging around, plus some for the smaller LA classes like Wright and Torrence and Egas. Just a thought.

Joey Chapman
3/5/2009 08:15:05 pm

I know that Ms. Hodge and I are using a wiki specifically designed for students to use. They are able to log in to the wiki and only post comments. They put their answers to the questions in the comments box and it is emailed to us and that is how we grade it. They are able to see and discuss each other's work by putting it on the board using the projector.
As for saving energy, we are always turning off the lights, and only using one set of lights in the classroom and every night when I go home I make sure that everything is unplugged in my room b/c even though stuff isn't turned on, electricity is still running through it and costing us money!

Rhonda Hodge
3/5/2009 08:41:07 pm

With my class, I have used the wiki page in a couple of ways....

I have created pages with links to specific websites that I want kids to use, such as a reading practice page with links to Starfall and other reading activities. I have also created pages for assignments with directions and links to websites. If I have created a worksheet/questions in Word, I can post the link to that on the assignment page. Kids then download the Word document to their My Documents, complete it, save it, and upload it to their page on the Wiki. I can then go to the Wiki page, read and grade their work, and never have to print it. If you would like to look at the Wiki, it is and you can log in as visitor duck3blueberry

Alicia Britt
3/5/2009 08:42:47 pm

I put everything I can for students on my wiki or web page, depending on the assignment. When possible, I use the laptops to have students read articles online and use a double entry journal or sticky notes as they read.

Instead of having students print their research papers, they emailed the webpage address to me and I graded them from there. I was able, in most cases, to email comments and grades back to them as a reply (I got the last idea from Mueller).

Anna Watson
3/5/2009 09:26:03 pm

For my class, I usually have kids read an article about a current event as their focus activity, I just print class sets now instead of having everyone get their own copy. Then, I have the kids answer a question about the article on the classroom blog.

I love Ms. Hodge's and Mr. Chapman's idea about the wiki and would love to implement something like that for my classes!

3/19/2009 03:28:32 am

These are great ideas. I am relying more on our textbook (yuck!) and our free workbooks when it comes to homework, etc. Can we not do something about the header sheet of paper when we print? It's not a ton of paper but...

3/22/2009 06:06:07 am

I have recently used small personal whiteboards in a few classes I taught. I used them for quick responses to questions I posed, temporary note-taking, and independent practice of a strategy I modeled. I found them effective for the following reasons: 1) it required every student to respond, every time. No hand-raising or tuning out. 2) the kids loved it. 3) they could lift the board in the air and share answers with the class visually...everyone could see everyone's answers. 4) I could check understanding immediately. Things to watch out for.... lack of student self-control. (Set expectations about when they may and may not be writing/drawing.) Also, by 3rd period there was a slight, ummm...marker-y smell. By 6th period, we cracked open the window for some air.
I have a box of about 30 if you want to give 'em a try!

3/31/2009 12:42:21 am

I have been using powerpoints and the students have to take their own notes instead of me providing them. Powerpoints because I can print the slides for the students who were absent.

5/14/2009 11:57:40 pm

I mentioned to doc yesterday, for EOG review, I cut and pasted DPI's released questions from PDF into a mimio with anywhere from 1-4 questions on a slide. this allowed each kid to read through at there own pace, also allowing for them to highlight and mark each question up using mimio tools. they then saved to there own folder. they also answered into quizdom, but you could just as easily answer on a sheet of paper. in past years we've run 100 30 page copies. also the ability to mark up on mimio, was more exciting to them than just pencil and paper. could be a possiblility in the future for something like L.A. assessments etc. just a suggestion.


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