KMS Coaches' Corner


We know that students who read more, become better readers.  And students who are allowed to select what they read are more engaged and more likely to actually read.  How can we make best use of our flexibly-scheduled media center, to keep books in our students' hands?  How can we best use 4th block, to ensure that students are reading during reading time?  How can we help students to take responsibility for getting to the media center when they need a book?  Your thoughts are welcome!

3/30/2009 10:14:58 pm

Great questions! When I was the media specialist at Woodrow, the idea of a flexibly scheduled media center was new to most teachers. While everyone seemed to like the idea of students having constant access to the books and other resources, many struggled to find the right classroom procedures to take advantage of it.

I like the idea of students accessing the media center in the morning from 7:00 - 7:15. I also think it's essential that each classroom (not just LA) have a pass and procedures for allowing students to visit the MC (with a time constraint) during non-instructional class times.

We can also do more book talks, commercials, displays, etc. If they want to come to the library, and teachers have procedures in place, they'll come.

4/20/2009 10:25:24 pm

I don't know if it's possible but having the media center opend by 7:00 is a great idea! It would allow students an opportunity to work on homework, use the computer for homework, or just sit quitely and read. I think we'd be surprised if we allowed studnets an opportunity to use the Media Center at this time!

The media center has been closed during 4th peirod all year due to classes being held there. I don't know how to fix this (especially since I am one of those teachers who signed up for it) but with 4th period being reading-focused it was hard not to have the media center as a resource during that time.

I think the media center is opened after school - but having structured book talks, or having outsiders come in and discuss how / what they read would be a fun thing for kids! (I am thinking a business person, an athletic person, a scientist, know)


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